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2012-05-18 Breadcrumb trail: Home page Metalinks
No. 9 . IT Kreativ - IT Extreme

Lost in translation?

Slavoglotta Sprogformidling

I will not yell in class.
I will not throw things. 
I will not teach other kids.
I am the teacher



2009-06-24 | 8:51 am
Faster iPhone after upgrade to OS 3.0

The desktop, page 1 of my iPhone after updating to OS 3.0. Photo: Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2009-06-24
Among the many improvements that Apple offered its iPhone users in iPhone OS 3.0 was a speed boost in many applications. Fellow iPhone users are recommended to upgrade immediately.

iPhone how-to

2009-05-26 | 6:27 pm
Attach images from WWW to contacts in iPhone

iPhone desktop
The Contacts list is the key to the 3rd Generation (3G) production line of iPhone. Here’s a few tricks on how to add a portrait photo to a contact, using the built-in Safari web browser.

Civil status

Feb 15, 09 | 11:14 pm
No more Senhor Thau-Knudsen!

The Portuguese Ministry of Justics
Three weeks ago I got an official notification that I was divorced in Portugal.

News archive

These news are written for an international au­di­ence. If you live in Denmark, please consult my news pages in Danish, as they are more updated with urgent news.

Lost in translation?


News in various languages


Датирање 2013-12-16

Сретан божић


To måneder med Corsentials

Et par måneder i selskab med kosttilskuddet Corsentials har været en positiv oplevelse, men jeg ved ikke, om fremskridtene skal tilskrives kosttilskuddet alene eller andre tiltag, jeg ikke kunne lade være med at foretage.


Trump – en øllet oplevelse!

Donald Trump
Ét er, at han ikke betalte så meget skat, at det gjorde noget (og kroede sig af det!), og heller ikke betalte de håndværkere, som havde bygget den luksusvilla, han selv var så stolt af, men at han ligefrem brystede sig af ikke at have forberedt sig til den TV-transmitterede debat, men i stedet tilbragt dagen på golfbanen, det slog mig.

Остало излагање

Deutsche Kompetenz real bewertet


Mar 04, 10 | 7:48 pm
50th birthday while on a mission

In front of the faxing office. My partner Geneviéve and I had just faxed the last report to the ODIHR EOM in Dushanbe. This was my 50th birthday. Photo: Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2010-03-01
Amidst the Tajikistani parliamentary elections, I turned 50. Most of the birthday was spent in bed after exhausting observations as OSCE/ODIHR observer.

About this web site


This web site is owned and run by me, Erik Thau-Knudsen. You can contact me using the Contact page.


The purpose of is to serve my own private interests, and chiefly

  1. news about my life;
  2. opinions about different matters;
  3. promulgation of knowledge and experiences within special areas, e.g., as shared knowledge and software, such as music;
  4. work for my carreer to assure me a steady job;
  5. experimenting with new technologies.

There are also more private areas in which I share files with very limited target groups. The total number of pages exceeds 500.

Target groups

Most pages are written having specific persons in mind. It aids when writing to a reader I know in person, and it also increases quality of the texts, and eventually leads to a higher hit rate in my web statistics. In other words, I write for friends, relatives, colleagues, and other acquaintances, but many more read the stuff.

Stats pr. 24h
  Average per day Total per year
Year Hits Visits Hits Visits
2007 1850 200 675347 73273
2008 2416 192 765070 70508
2009 2269 174 696354 63758
2010 3330 225 1058128 82216
2011 3995 374 1205883 136589
2012 3766 418    

Structure of the web site


I use different designs throughout the web site. This reflects not as much the various phases of my web designing skills as it reflects particular areas of interest to different target groups. The most widespread is my so-called 2005 standard which is also employed for this document. A very visible feature of this is the employment of national flags to mark the language used in a hyperlinked target.

Main public areas

New things happening in my life.
What I think about various matters. Linguistically mixed.
My genetic roots and off-springs. Every person has one page. Special design. Mainly in Danish, although some pages are also available in other languages.
Computer issues
Solutions, tips, opinions about different issues within information technology — computers and mobile telephony. Special design. Mainly in English.
Curriculum vitae. There are several CVs depending on language, information densitiy, and scope.
Old stuff for sale. Special design. Mainly in English.

Linguistic asymmetry

The languages used are Danish, English, German, Russian, Vukovian [also called Serbo-Croatian], Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Slovenian. They are asymmetric in the sense that they — except for contact pages — are not mere translations of one another, but rather convey information relevant to my friends and colleagues speaking those languages. E.g., this very About page also has a Danish alternative, but the content is not identical.

Old addresses

This site has been hosted by different servers and with different addresses.

Home page addresses
Start End URL
2001-01 2002
2002-09 2004-09
2003 2005


You can access various parts of my site using access keys. They are cross-linguistic within the 2005 standard, but are not identical in pages of Computer issues, Genealogy, Personal presentation.

Access keys employed in the 2005 standard
Target Macintosh Windows
Contact Ctrl - 0 Alt - 0
Home page Ctrl - 1 Alt - 1
News Ctrl - 2 Alt - 2
Opinions Ctrl - 3 Alt - 3
CV Ctrl - 4 Alt - 4
Personal presentation Ctrl - 5 Alt - 5
My computer park Ctrl - 6 Alt - 6
Genealogy Ctrl - 7 Alt - 7
Computer issues Ctrl - 8 Alt - 8

If you use the Mozilla suite browser or Opera, you will also have access to site navigation using the Site Navigation Bar (in Mozilla). All pages offer additional commented links this way.

Web standards

This site aims at using the highest standards possible. In practice, the highest standards are not always possible, not even when hand coding. E.g., almost no web browsers have employed the CSS 3.0 amendments to the Cascading Style Sheets technology.

Client side relevant standards

  • Structure: xHTML 5 (most pages), XHTML 1.1 (many pages), XHTML 2.0 (a few documents), XHTML 1.0 Strict (few), XHTML 1.0 Transitional (even fewer); XML 1.0 (extremely few)
  • Structure defining: DTD
  • Design: CSS 2.1; CSS 3.0 (Borders with rounded corners, columns); XSL
  • Function: JavaScript 1.5
  • Text encoding: iso-8859-1, utf-8
  • Image formats: JPEG (.jpg, .jpe, .jpeg), GIF (.gif), PNG (.png), SVG (.svg. On an older desktop computer [incl. laptop types] this requires an SVG plugin, e.g., Adobe SVG Viewer. Mobile phones: Confer the list of Shipping and Announced SVG Phones with SVG Tiny 1.1 compatibility)

Server side standards

  1. PhP 4
  2. SSI / CGI

Media and care for disabled persons

The best user agents to show you the pages are dealt with in detail on Best browser. The below list reflects the status as of September 2006.

  • Best browser for viewing these pages on a desktop or laptop computer with a screen monitor is— at the time of writing — Mozilla 1.7.x (i.e., not 1.8.x) or Opera (CSS media screen). Firefox works too with certain add-ons (see chapter about Firefox in my Commented browser list.
  • Best user agent for printing is Opera in the most recent version on your platform (CSS media print).
  • As for handheld devices, these pages have Opera Mini for mobile phones in mind (CSS media handheld).

Special care is taken for people with visual disabilities, including, among others:

  • Semantically correct use of the heading tags (h, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) and all table tags (table, thead, th, tbody, td, tfoot, caption);
  • in my site specific 2005 standard, table's are used to outline tabular data, not to lay out the page itself;
  • alt property with all images, summary property with tables, title property with most links ;
  • xml:lang or lang property whenever an unexpected language is used, i.e., whenever there are text passages in another language than the one used on the page;
  • Skip-menu navigation option on top of the pages (implemented in major language versions of the 2005 lay-out standard)

There are no specific pages or page versions targeted for people with physical or mental disabilities.


To print pages from this site, use the Opera web browser.

Printed pages are not identical with the pages available on screen. Differences:

  • Font typefaces in the bulk text is serif, and with fixed sizes;
  • some columns (e.g., the main menu) are omitted from printing;
  • links are, in some documents, not highlighted.

To view your print before pressing Cmd + P, you may view it within the browser (i.e., not in the Menu > Files > Print Preview option offered by your operating system). Norwegian built Opera and German built iCab offer this feature. If you use Firefox with the extension Stylesheet Chooser Plus by French student Olivier Daroux, you can select it from the Stylesheet Chooser, too.


The site structure has remained more or less unaltered since the startup in January 2001. Pages in the public area are seldomly moved. The current version of the user interface is from June-July 2005. New pages are added with a rate of about 50 per year. Their contents are updated whenever relevant, e.g., my CV. Pages with news or opinions are, as a rule, not subject to updates.

Erik Thau-Knudsen

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Erik Thau-Knudsen • Skolegade 2A, 2. sal •DK-8600 Silkeborg • Denmark • Tel.: (+45) 8680 1882  • Mob.(+45) 4013 4133