
Erik Thau-Knudsen's curriculum vitae (CV) — short

 Erik Thau-Knudsen

When no country is specified, Denmark is default.

Personal data

Experience record — professional

Slavoglotta. Free-lancing, at times under the title Sprogformidlingen, Silkeborg (earlier Copenhagen), home based own one-man enterprise (1989-1996, 1999-)

Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peace and Stabilisation Response (FSB), (2000-)

  1. Mission as international short-term observer during the Local Elections in North Macedonia, 17 October 2021, representing ODIHR.
  2. Mission as international long-term observer during the Presidential Election in Ukraine, 31 March 2019 and 21 April 2019, representing ODIHR.
  3. Mission as international short-term observer during the Referendum, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 30 September 2018. Representing ODIHR
  4. Mission as international short-term observer during the Early Presidential Election in Azerbaijan, 11 April 2018. Representing ODIHR
  5. Mission as international short-term observer during the Presidential Election in Uzbekistan, 4 December 2016. Representing ODIHR
  6. Mission as international short-term observer during the Presidential Election in Belarus, 11 October 2015. Representing ODIHR
  7. Mission as international long-term observer during the Early Presidential Election in Kazakhstan, 26 April 2015. Representing ODIHR
  8. Mission as international short-term observer during the Early Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine, 26 October 2014. Representing ODIHR
  9. Mission as international short-term observer during the Early Presidential Election in Ukraine, 25 May 2014. Representing ODIHR
  10. Mission as international short-term observer during the Observation of Parliamentary Elections in Albania, 23 June 2013 Representing ODIHR
  11. Mission as international short-term observer during the Parliamentary Majlis oli elections in Tajikistan 2010. Representing ODIHR.
  12. Mission as international long-term observer during the Presidential elections in Kazakhstan 4 December 2005. Representing ODIHR.
  13. Mission as international short-term observer during the Referendum, 7 November 2004 in Macedonia. Representing ODIHR.
  14. Mission as international long-term observer during the Majilis parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan 19 September 2004. Representing ODIHR.
  15. Mission as international short-term observer during the Presidential Election in Russia, 26 March 2000. Representing ODIHR.

Censorsekretariatet for erhvervskommunikation og sprog, Denmark (2011-2018): External examiner of Bulgarian as language of translation and interpretation

Langsøskolen, Silkeborg (2008-2009): Teacher of Bulgarian language

Grauballe Skole, Silkeborg, Denmark (2008): Substitute teacher

Studieskolen, Copenhagen (2007): Teacher of Macedonian

Lionbridge, Copenhagen (2007): Slovenian-Danish translator

Midtjylland Retail ApS, Silkeborg (2006-2007): Shopping assistant

Gyldendalske Leksikon , Copenhagen K (2006): Author at the Big Danish Encyclopedia

TGK Consult, Copenhagen, consultant (2004)

Department of Slavonic Studies (University of Aarhus) (now Slavic & Hungarian Division), post-graduate student (2001-2002)

Danmarks Nationalleksikon (Danish National Encyclopedia) / Gyldendal, Copenhagen, author and consultant (1999-2001)

Department of East-European Studies, (now a part of Department of Intercultural and Regional Studies), University of Copenhagen, PhD student (1996-1999)

Language School of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (since 2008-01-01 a part of UMCK), Copenhagen, free-lance teacher (1990-96, 1999)

Prehistorical Museum (Forhistorisk Museum), Moesgaard / Aarhus, voluntary exhibition organiser, 1995

Department of East-European Studies (University of Copenhagen, teaching assistant (1994)

National Council of Danish Students (Danske Studerendes Fællesråd) (1988-89) and the Students Council of the University of Copenhagen (Studenterrådet ved Københavns Universitet) (1987-88)

Department of Cultural Sociology (now fused with Dept. of Sociology), University of Copenhagen, teaching assistant (1988)


Additional training

Stays — research — expeditions (— abroad) - selected):


Command of languages

Fluent (reading, speaking, writing, interpreting): Danish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, English, German, Serbo-Croatian
Medium (reading, some speaking): French, Swedish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Slovenian
Working knowledge (some reading): Albanian, Netherlandic, Italian, Castilian, Norwegian, Modern Greek, Turkish, Arumunian, Polish, Faeroese, etc.

Information technology (selected software):


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