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Lost in translation?


News in various languages


Датирање 2013-12-16

Сретан божић


To måneder med Corsentials

Et par måneder i selskab med kosttilskuddet Corsentials har været en positiv oplevelse, men jeg ved ikke, om fremskridtene skal tilskrives kosttilskuddet alene eller andre tiltag, jeg ikke kunne lade være med at foretage.


Trump – en øllet oplevelse!

Donald Trump
Ét er, at han ikke betalte så meget skat, at det gjorde noget (og kroede sig af det!), og heller ikke betalte de håndværkere, som havde bygget den luksusvilla, han selv var så stolt af, men at han ligefrem brystede sig af ikke at have forberedt sig til den TV-transmitterede debat, men i stedet tilbragt dagen på golfbanen, det slog mig.

Остало излагање

Deutsche Kompetenz real bewertet


Mar 04, 10 | 7:48 pm
50th birthday while on a mission

In front of the faxing office. My partner Geneviéve and I had just faxed the last report to the ODIHR EOM in Dushanbe. This was my 50th birthday. Photo: Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2010-03-01
Amidst the Tajikistani parliamentary elections, I turned 50. Most of the birthday was spent in bed after exhausting observations as OSCE/ODIHR observer.

Erik Thau-Knudsen

The author of

[ Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2007 ]

Hi, I am Erik Thau-Knudsen, the author of the web page you probably were viewing right before this one. Until now, all the 600+ pages on have me as the sole author.

I am 47 years old, born in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am a graduate of Balkan linguistics and Bulgarian, later added up with studies of journalism, Portuguese, and linguistics and a couple of other things I can't remember just now. Most of my knowledge about web technologies stems from self-studies. CV

Professionally, I am currently between jobs. I am trying to set up a translator's business, but things go a bit slow for the time being.

Through 2006, I was connected to the Danish publishing house Gyldendal as a co-author of the Big Danish Encyclopedia, writing about languages and linguistics for the on-line version and the DVD version. Gyldendal.

It cannot make a living for me, so I am still looking out for some more work.

This site was set up in the end of 2000 - beginning of 2001. I used Netscape 4.5 for writing the web pages. Currently, the pages are in XHTML, and around two thirds are in XHTML 1.1. The basic concepts about the design were developed in 2005 but is constantly prone to improvements.

I live in an old flat in the centre of Silkeborg, a town located in central Jutland, in what was once a barren heather landscape. As a result of 200+ years of re-forestation, Silkeborg now lies amidst the biggest forests of Denmark. When you add to this that the highest concentration of lakes, sources and riverlets of this northern European country is found here, you have a good idea of how wonderful it can be here. I share this life with my fiancee Lone with whom I have two wonderful children.

Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2007-08-24

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Erik Thau-Knudsen • Skolegade 2A, 2. sal •DK-8600 Silkeborg • Denmark • Tel.: (+45) 8680 1882  • Mob.(+45) 4013 4133