Eric's computer BRIC-A-BRAC

My wife complains about lack of space at home, so I've put a few items for sale.
I sell because it is the best way to distribute stuff that might otherwise be trashed. Yes, I am an environmentalist, and examinations have shown that computer hardware is the biggest polluter (especially the production) per gram, probably only next to fuel cells for nuclear power plants. I do nature and culture a favor recycling old hardware. And believe me -- with these prices I don't make a dime on it.

Unless otherwise stated, the currency in use is Danish Kroner (DKK). By February 19, 2004, the mean exchange rates were:

1 US dollar = 5.86 DKK / 100 DKK = 17.08 USD
1 EURO      = 7.45 DKK / 100 DKK = 13.42 EUR

My bank has the current exchange rates. When on that page, click Dagens kurser.

Feel free to ask me any questions. As I am a linguist, I can deal with correspondence in the following Indo-European languages and language groups: Germanic (save Icelandic and Faeroese), Romance, Slavic, Greek and Albanian. Contact.

Note til danskere:
Denne side føres på engelsk, fordi det overvejende er Macintosh-produkter, som sælges her. Markedet for sådanne er så lille i Danmark, at jeg må sigte bredere.

  Item Price Currency Status
  EndNote Plus 2 100 DKK for sale
  PC Compatibility Card 166 MHz 90 DKK
  SD-RAM 64 MB for PowerBook G3, Lombard, iMac 80 DKK
Color Classic photo Macintosh Color Classic 100 DKK New!
Tulip Keyboard Tulip Keyboard (vintage) 25 DKK  
  SCSI-50 cable, F/F 80 DKK
  SoftWindows 3.0 Includes Microsoft Windows 3.11 and MS-DOS 6.22 190 DKK New!
  Red Hat Linux 50 DKK
  250 MHz Motorola PCC 604 ev CPU card 100 DKK  
Keyboard Natural A-Shape in Kazakh, Russian, English 60 DKK  
Apple Keyboard II Apple Keyboard II 50 DKK  
  Data Transfer Switch for AppleTalk (DIN-6, DIN-8) 50 DKK  
External CMS SCSI hard disk, 85 MB. Images. 100 DKK New!


Warranty: No warranty, unless otherwise mentioned. These products are old, yet functional. Returning is possible with a full refunding of the price of the product within 3 months. Any product is sold as is, i.e., I take no responsibility of factory malfunctions etc. which I was not aware of at the time of selling.


Unless otherwise stated, the purchaser pays the shipment. I ship to you whereever you be, as long as you pay. Shipping costs may vary. I live in Denmark, so shipping is cheapest when you live around. As far as I know, all mail leaving Denmark goes by air. Delivery to the USA usually lasts five days this way. Faster delivery, e.g., FedEx, can be negotiated.


Contact me by e-mail prior to any payment.

Payment options

Bank name
Arbejdernes Landsbank
Arbejdernes Landsbank, Tværgade 7, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark.
Bank code (Registration number)
Account number (traditional representation):
Account number only:
IBAN DK6953470000504252
Account holder:
Erik Thau-Knudsen
Skolegade 2A, 2
8600 Silkeborg

Made on a Macintosh This page was made on December 5, 2002
Updated March 2008.