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Slavoglotta Sprogformidling

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Deutsche Kompetenz real bewertet

Silkeborg Seminarium (VIA UC) am Studienanfang. Foto: Erik Thau-Knudsen, 2009-08-17.

Gestern war ein großer Tag für mich. Ich wurde für ein Deutschstudium empfohlen.

Balkane moj

Наше школство: Предавање математике

Тај Балкан, који сам проучио, може такоѓе побудити смијех својих емиграната. Ево Вам збирка догаѓаја. Осим знања српског и македонског језика биќе Ви корисно такоѓе знање енглеског и њемачког.

Christmas is cancelled!

Apparently, YOU told Santa that you have been GOOD this year. 
He died laughing!

Comment the joke

Code your images correctly — for future's sake!

This article explains some coding tricks to deal with images on web pages. It analyses every detail in writing the HTML and CSS code to display pictures on your web pages. The analysis will tell you all you need to have in mind if you want to know how to make your site future proof, but only if the future is no more than 5 years away!

Future proof imaging

Last week, a friend of mine, who is the web master of a minor professional association in Denmark, asked me about how to make a web site future proof, i.e., forwards compatible. At first, I thought it was a question of structuring the web pages, i.e., applying SGML coding like HTML or XHTML in a correct manner. After all, it has for long been agreed in the World Wide Web Consortium that XML in one or another realisation, notably XHTML, is the format of the future, especially due to its strict keeping data structure apart from appearance, usually written in the Cascading Style Sheets format (CSS).

Where the h... is Struga?


This and other questions got an answer while I was covering Copenhagen Chalgija's tour in Macedonia through July 2008. Here are some photos I made of them.

Dias show


Leto 2008 v Sloveniji

Na leto gremo v Slovenijo s porodicom. Danes sem kupil vozovne karte za Ljubljano in nazaj v Silkeborg. Moji dekleci rado pričakajo potovanje v julij v to neznano za njih deželo.

Laugh a bit with me!

Crashed lorry

My sister-in-law just sent us these images. Some are reviews to those of you who once upon a time enlisted on my mail list the Gigglers.

Self-portrait of Erik Thau-Knudsen from 2006-03-15 at home

General copyright declaration for Erik Thau-Knudsen's site

  1. Text
  2. Images
  3. Sounds
  4. Page design and layout

This is to declare that any document pertaining to the domain (e.g,, in the root folder of,, and in any subfolder of these) belongs to Erik Thau-Knudsen, except in the subdomain

All rights belong to Erik Thau-Knudsen.

The web documents at are covered by Danish copyright legislation unless otherwise specified in this copyright statement.



A user is free to quote any page of this site. When quoting this site, there must be an appropriate reference to the origin. An appropriate reference must meet at least one of the following requirements

  1. a hyperlink, e.g., using the <a> or <link> tags, linking to this site. Minimum path is;
  2. a long description in text form within the body part that reproduces an unmistable reference to this site; or
  3. a description within the HTML code that is not necessarily rendered by all possible browsers, for instance a <link> tag (in the head, e.g., <link rev="appendix" href="" title="Source material" />), the title="" property, the <comment> tag, the SGML comments, e.g., <!-- Quoted from -->;
  4. in case of non-internet quotations, general rules of law and/or adequate rules of good behavior of the given medium (e.g., for the printed press) should be used.


For the privacy of persons I love, a specific permission is required for using photos and other images portraiting people that are not me, Erik Thau-Knudsen.

If you are in doubt about who is who, please contact me. Hitherto, nobody has been turned down.

All photos with me and made by me or my girl-friend Lone Moltsen may be used unlimitedly for any non-commercial purpose. E.g., if you want to write an article about Danish Balkanists of the 20th century and add a photo from this site, you won't need to ask me in advance before going public. But if you want to put my photo in a tobacco ad with the text Eric also switched to ΚΑΡΕΛΙΑ Cigarettes, you must ask me first, and you might get a negative answer (mostly because I don't like ΚΑΡΕΛΙΑ).

Please make a reference to this site, if you copy an image. Ways to refer (in order of visibility):

  • Text: Example: Photo: Erik Thau-Knudsen (especially in printed matters)
  • Long description HTML image property: use the <img /> tag property longdesc. Example: <img src="/my_images/erik_thau-knudsen.jpg" alt="Portrait of Erik Thau-Knudsen" longdesc="" />
  • CSS comments: If you use my images for creating backgrounds in CSS, make a comment referring to this site, e.g.,
    #contents {background-image: url('/images/opaque_white_50pct.png'); /* THIS IMAGE IS USED WITH PERMISSION FROM */ }
  • Embedded meta-data: In cases when the images contain metadata (XMP data, IPTC information, or SGML comments in SVG files): Do not delete the embedded reference to the author, e.g., copyright notice.

Rights to images not produced by me pertain to their authors. E.g., in the case of a photo a friend has made of me and his spouse, the rights pertain to that friend. Ask me to get their contact info.

Bottom line: Use portraits of me or non-personal backgrounds if you like. Make a reference to the author. Ask for the rest.


Sound files, e.g., music files, can be downloaded and distributed unlimitedly for any non-commercial purpose. Example: you can take my music and entertain your friends with it, even play it at your local discoteque. However, if you publish it with the purpose of earning money, you must consult me first.

Page design and layout

Feel free to copy my layout and design ideas, as long as you don't make money on it. The peanut limit is any production worth less than 10,000 Euros. When copying larger amounts of design, please make a proper reference to this site, i.e., in the notes of your style sheet.

As for backgrond images, confer also my section about images.

Erik Thau-Knudsen

2005-04-11 (amended last time 2006-12-12)

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Erik Thau-Knudsen • Skolegade 2A, 2. sal •DK-8600 Silkeborg • Denmark • Tel.: (+45) 8680 1882  • Mob.(+45) 4013 4133