Lost in translation?
Gestern war ein großer Tag für mich. Ich wurde für ein Deutschstudium empfohlen.
Тај Балкан, који сам проучио, може такоѓе побудити смијех својих емиграната. Ево Вам збирка догаѓаја. Осим знања српског и македонског језика биќе Ви корисно такоѓе знање енглеског и њемачког.
This article explains some coding tricks to deal with images on web pages. It analyses every detail in writing the HTML and CSS code to display pictures on your web pages. The analysis will tell you all you need to have in mind if you want to know how to make your site future proof, but only if the future is no more than 5 years away!
Last week, a friend of mine, who is the web master of a minor professional association in Denmark, asked me about how to make a web site future proof, i.e., forwards compatible. At first, I thought it was a question of structuring the web pages, i.e., applying SGML coding like HTML or XHTML in a correct manner. After all, it has for long been agreed in the World Wide Web Consortium that XML in one or another realisation, notably XHTML, is the format of the future, especially due to its strict keeping data structure apart from appearance, usually written in the Cascading Style Sheets format (CSS).
This and other questions got an answer while I was covering Copenhagen Chalgija's tour in Macedonia through July 2008. Here are some photos I made of them.
Na leto gremo v Slovenijo s porodicom. Danes sem kupil vozovne karte za Ljubljano in nazaj v Silkeborg. Moji dekleci rado pričakajo potovanje v julij v to neznano za njih deželo.
My sister-in-law just sent us these images. Some are reviews to those of you who once upon a time enlisted on my mail list the Gigglers.