
Erik Thau-Knudsen's
curriculum vitae (CV) extended

  1. Personal data
  2. Experience record — professional
  3. Lectures held
  4. Volunteer work
  5. Education
  6. On-line fora
  7. Various affiliations
  8. Command of languages
  9. Information technology
  10. Radio broadcasted mass media appearances
Portrait of Erik Thau-Knudsen

Personal data

in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Citizenship (by birth, at present), ethnic affiliation, native tongue:
Currently living in
Nørrevænget 68, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark.

All geographical data (of study, occupation) regard the political (e.g., municipal) affiliation, not the postal district.
When countries have undergone split-ups, the contemporary country name has been chosen for the sake of preciseness.

Experience record — professional

Position Work-place Field
- freelancer, owner

Slavoglotta Sprogformidling

(for a period also under my own name or using the title Sprogformidlingen, home based one-man enterprise)

  • Interpretation and translation (since 1990) between native language (Danish) and, among others, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin), Ukrainian, German.
  • Forensic Linguistics: analysis of forged documents (since 2013)
  • Subtitling movies and television for Nordisk Film, TV- & Filmcompagniet (2002), Dokumentarkompagniet (2013), of Russian, Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian), Yakutian, Macedonian (1993, 1994, 1995, 2013)
  • Belletristic translation (Macedonian, Bulgarian)
  • Selected list of clients
2000-02-20 international elections observer

UFD / Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deployment Facility for Peace and Democracy (DFPD) (AKA [2012 till 2022]: Peace and Stabilisation Response (FSB — Freds- og Stabiliseringsberedskabet, till 2012 Internationalt Humanitært Beredskab (IHB))
Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Reference: Inge Schou
+45 48 10 45 22


  1. General Elections in Mozambique 9 October 2024 (term: 9 September - 18 October 2024). Long-Term Observer of EU, assigned to Maputo City
  2. Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of North Macedonia 24 April & 8 May 2024 (term: 25 March - 15 May 2024). Long-term observer of ODIHR, assigned to Kočani (Eastern Statistical Region)
  3. Early Parliamentary Elections in Kazakhstan, 19 March 2023 (term: 15-22 March 2023). Short-term observer of ODIHR, assigned
  4. to Janaqorgan (Qyzylorda oblast).
  5. Local Elections in North Macedonia, 17 October 2021 (term: 11-20 October 2021). Short-term observer of ODIHR, assigned to Makedonska Kamenica (Eastern Statistical Region)
  6. Presidential Election in Ukraine, 31 March 2019 and 21 April 2019 (term: 11 February-1 May, 2019). Long-term observer of ODIHR, in Odessa.
  7. Short Term Observation of Referendum, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 30 September 2018 (term: September 26 - October 3, 2018). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Kočani (Eastern Statistical Region)
  8. Early Presidential Election in Azerbaijan, 11 April 2018 (term: April 7-14, 2018). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Lənkaran
  9. Observation of Presidential Election in Uzbekistan, 4 December 2016 (term: November 29-December 7, 2016). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Qoshqodarya
  10. Observation of Presidential Election in Belarus, 11 October 2015 (term: October 7-13, 2015). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Maladečna district (Minsk oblast)
  11. Observation of Early Presidential Elections in Kazakhstan, 26 April 2015 (term: March 29-May 2, 2015). Long-term observer of ODIHR, in West Kazakhstan (Uralsk)
  12. Observation of Early Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine, 26 October 2014 (term: October 21-30, 2014). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Zaporizhya
  13. Observation of Early Presidential Election in Ukraine, 25 May 2014 (term: May 20-29, 2014). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Uman (Cherkasy)
  14. Observation of Parliamentary Elections in Albania, 23 June 2013 (term: June 18-30, 2013). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Elbasan
  15. Parliamentary Majlis oli elections in Tajikistan 2010 (February 24 - March 4, 2010). Short-term observer of ODIHR, deployed to Shahrinav (Karotegin province)
  16. Presidential elections in Kazakhstan 4 December 2005 (October 21 - December 9, 2005). Long-term observer of ODIHR, in Pavlodar
  17. Referendum, 7 November 2004 in Republic of Macedonia (term: November 4-10, 2004). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Berovo (Eastern Region)
  18. Observation of Majilis parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan 19 September 2004 (term: August 13 - September 26, 2004). Long-term observer of ODIHR, in Pavlodar
  19. Presidential Election in Russia, 26 March 2000 (term: March 20-29, 2000). Short-term observer of ODIHR, in Usolje (Irkutsk oblast)
2011-01-01 2018-03-31 external examiner

Censorsekretariatet for erhvervskommunikation og sprog
Aarhus Universitet

Reference: Henrik Pers, pers@au.dk, +45 2478 3210

  • Examining students in business communication and languages
  • Start date notes the time of affiliation, end date notes the expiration of affiliation
2014-03-03 2014-06-30 expert Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution Copenhagen, Denmark,
  • accreditation of the BA and master studies of Russian and Balkanistics at the University of Copenhagen, including defining criteria for accreditation
  • I was representing the employers in the two expert panels
2011-09-01 2012-08-31 musical janitor

VIA University College
Læreruddannelsen i Silkeborg

Reference: Steen Lembcke
sle@viauc.dk, +45 28 69 38 56

  • keeping musical instruments and other musical equipment in working order
  • acquisition of supplies
  • registering instruments and supplies
2008-11-04 2008-11-04 substitute teacher Grauballe Skole
teaching history, mathematics to children in 4th-5th form (10-11 years)
2008-09-15 2008-11-06 substitute Fritidsklubben Solsikken
caring for children aged 10-12 years
2008-03-25 2008-04-24 External language teacher Langsøskolen

Phone +45 8722 5588
  • Teaching Bulgarian to 7th and 8th grade students
  • Elaborating study materials, including some published on Wikipedia.
2007-06-25 2007-06-25 teacher Studieskolen
Copenhagen K
Phone +45 33 18 79 13
Teaching Macedonian history and language to employee of Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2006-12-07 2007-07-31 nightwatch Shell Filling Station

Phone +45 86820650
Running the Select shop
2006-01-07 2006-12-31 author

Gyldendalske Leksikon
Phone +4533755984

Reference: Gyldendal
+45 33 75 55 55

  • updating articles for DVD and the on-line version of the Encyclopedia (Den store danske encyklopædi)
  • writing new articles about languages and linguistics, especially Uralic and Turkic languages
2004-01-09 2005-01-05 consultant TGK Consult
Sølvgade 6B, 5. tv.
1307 Copenhagen K

Company closed in 2006. Old web site.

2001-04-01 2002-01-31 post-graduate student

Department of Slavonic Studies
University of Aarhus

Researching in future expressions in the Balkan languages (Balkan Slavic, Albanian, Greek, etc.)

Supervisor: Henning Mørk

1999-08-08 2001-03-31 author, consultant Danmarks Nationalleksikon (Danish National Encyclopedia), a part of Gyldendal
  • Writing articles on Altaic languages for the Big Danish Encyclopaedia (Den Store Danske Encyclopædi) from volume Ski and ahead
  • Consultancy on Altaic, Balkan and Slavic etymologies and transcriptions.
1996-05-01 1999-08-15 post-graduate fellow Department of East-European Studies
University of Copenhagen

  • Lecturing in South Slavic languages to Serbo-Croatists and Indo-European comparativists
  • Researching in future expressions in the Balkan languages (Balkan Slavic, Albanian, Greek, etc.)
1994-04-01 2002-03-31 external examiner Slavisk Censorkorps
University of Aarhus
  • Corps of external examiners in Slavistics
  • Monitoring, examining, and evaluating oral exams
  • Dealing mainly with Serbo-Croatian
  • Consideration of complaint
1994-02-23 1994-09-30 assistant lecturer Department of East-European Studies
University of Copenhagen
  • Teaching Macedonian language to students of Balkanistics
  • Teaching Bulgarian to beginners
  • Teaching Macedonian language history to students of Balkanistics
1990-05-15 1999-07-21 free-lance teacher Language School of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Udenrigsministeriets Sprogskole, renamed to Udenrigsministeriets Sprogcenter, since 2008-01-01 a part of UMCK)
  • Teaching Bulgarian to employees for the foreign service
1990-02-01 1990-04-30 researcher Slavisches Seminar
Universität Hamburg
Researching South-Slavic dialectoloty

*) The mentioned date marks start of full-time work. Translation for money started in spring 1984. Registration by the Danish Police Force as interpreter was on 1986-09-17. Interrupted in 1996-1999

Occupations before graduation from the University of Copenhagen
Title Work-place Field
1988-04-16 1989-04-16 member of presidium National Union of Danish Students
Knabrostræde 3
1210 Copenhagen K
Special responsibilities: internationalisation of education, study structures, humanities, peace, international relations (Nordic Council, West European Student Information Bureau, International Union of Students, European Community), newsletter (member of the editing Committee of the member magazine and organ Studenterbladet), etc.
1987-autumn 1987-autumn assistant lecturer Department of Cultural Sociology
(now fused with Dept. of Sociology)
University of Copenhagen
Cooperation with (then) Ass. Prof. Jonathan Schwartz in a research project about Macedonian emigrant culture
1987-11 1988-04-16 member of presidium Students Council of the University of Copenhagen
(Studenterrådet ved Københavns Universitet)

Special responsibilities: internationalisation, humanities, newsletter (member of the editing Committee of the internal magazine Q), etc.
1985 1985
(3 days)
artist World Health Organisation
Painting titles for an exhibition on the 40th anniversary of WHO
1984-09-19 1985-01-18 trainee

International Secretariat
Carlsberg United Breweries

Supervisor: Niels Eyde Madsen, manager, contact information not available (not working there any longer)

Job training for humanities students. I was setting up a data-base about the rivalling breweries on the world market. In practise, the work consisted in identifying relevant articles from news outlets in Danish, Dutch, German, Italian, and English, write summaries of the retrieved articles in English, and make them available to the board of directors of the company on print and online.

Lectures held

Date yyyy-mm-dd Venue Title
2019-10-03 School of Communication and Culture 
Aarhus University
The beaten track to the translator's profession? (Danish original title: Den slagne vej til translatørfaget?), held by Translatørforeningen (Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters) to graduate students of International Business Communication (cand. ling. merc.) in English, German, French.
2015-10-20 Frivilligcenter
The art and pitfalls of interpretation (Danish original title: Tolkningens kunst og faldgrube), held by Kulturforeningen Danmark-Bulgarien,
Aarhus, Denmark
2015-02-26 Studenterhuset
Aarhus Universitet
How to market your product (Danish original title: Hvordan man markedsfører sit produkt). Context: Workshop for students, held by Dansk Magisterforening (Danish association of MAs), Section of Free-Lancers and Self-Employed
2010-03-10 Buskelundskolen
When power is taken from a people ; An elections missionary reports from Tajikistan (Danish original title: Når magt tages fra et folk; en valgmissionærs beretning fra Tadsjikistan)

Volunteer work

Below are included volunteer work and jobs with a payment so symbolic that the term occupation is inappropriate. See also Various affiliations

Title Work-place Field
2019-05-25 2019-06-05 Election controller Silkeborg Municipality

administering Precinct Election Commission, including counting, during elections for European Parliament and Danish Parliament

Reference: Lotte Moll Niemann, valgtilforordnede@silkeborg.dk, +45 2124 4663

2014-04-01 2014-04-30 Content provider Planeto AB

Creating quiz problems for the game app Quiz Battle 2+ on the iOS and Android platforms.

Reference: Planeto, +46 70 537 19 10

2008-11-12 2010-01-01 Expert Den store danske Editing expertise at the on-line encyclopedia of Gyldendal, a major Danish publishing house.
2008-07-18 2008-07-22 Camera man and journalist Bjonko & Copenhagen Chalgija Covering a Danish orchestra on tour in Republic of Macedonia in summer 2008.
2007-01-21 2007-05-22 Beta Tester home / Adobe.com Testing Pre-Release versions (Hanzo) of Dreamweaver Creative Suite 3 from build from Build 3419 and later.
1995-easter 1995-easter private teacher Skagen
Teaching Mongolian (Khalkha dialect) to Morten Axel Pedersen and Lars Højer (now at University of Cambridge) while preparing for their expedition to Mongolia. Brief expedition report here.
1995-01 1995-01-25 exhibition organiser
Prehistorical Museum
Moesgaard/ Aarhus
Organising the special exhibition Travelling in Siberia (På rejse i Sibirien), texting, selecting exponats, etc.
1992-09-01 1992-11-30 teacher
Dep. of Oriental Philology
University of Copenhagen
Teaching a basic course in Yakutian to Rane Willerslev, Eske Willerslev, and others (as preparation for Ekspedition Yakutia 1993)
1991-04 1991-06 private teacher
Rane Willerslev, Eske Willerslev
Teaching a basic course in Yakutian
1989-06-23 1989-07-10 interpreter,
(an artists' commune)
Interpreting and translating for the Danish artist group Welder and their Russian counterpart the October Group (Moscow) during preparations and carrying out their shows at the Roskilde Festival 1989 (Roskilde, Denmark), mainly in performance art.
1989-02-04 1989-02-10 researcher Nestram, Greece (South Macedonia) Linguistic expedition in a mixed German-Danish-Yugoslav team
1987-03 1987-03 interpreter Dep. of Cultural Sociology
University of Copenhagen
Participation in a team of students of cultural sociology from Dep. of Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, in the districts of Bitola, Resen, and Ohrid, Yugoslavia (since 2019: North Macedonia), with the theme Changes in lifestyle among Yugoslav farmers as a consequence of the agricultural reforms since 1970. The final title of the project Så jeg gemmer min 20 tønder land (≈ So I'll hide my 20 acres of land) was examined by professor Jonathan Schwartz, University of Copenhagen, in May-June 2017


Study Specialisation Place of study Average mark
2009-08-10 2014-11-15 Teacher's Certificate

Danish; Music; German
Extras: Music Piloting (event maker), Java programming for Android Platform, Game development

Reference: Lars Christensen Ustrup, LU@viauc.dk, +45 87 55 31 00

VIA University College
Læreruddannelsen i Silkeborg
Nattergalevej 1
8600 Silkeborg
9.0 (7 Scheme), 126 ECTS points
1993-03-31 1996-04-12 Certified translator & interpreter, cand. ling. merc. Bulgarian Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
8.1 (13 Scheme); 6.2 (7 Scheme)
1985-08-01 1989-10-04 Balkanistics Linguistics
Major language: Macedonian
Minor languages: Modern Greek, Albanian
(also studies of Arumunian)
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80
2300 Copenhagen S
10.3 (13 Scheme); 10.7 (7 Scheme)
1981-08-01 1985-08-26 Bulgarian Part 1
Bulgarian philology. Along with Bulgarian philogy (including history), I also took classes in European ethnography, Turkish, Romanian, Sanskrit, Albanian, Italian grammar. The study included 8 months of study at the Sofia University Kliment Ohridsky, where I also studied Turkish, Polish, English, and German
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80
2300 Copenhagen S
9.4 (13 Scheme); 9.0 (7 Scheme)
1980-08-01 1983-07-01 Russian Part 1 (Russian philology (with history). This study included 8 months of studies at the Moscow State University / Pushkin Institute of Russian Language and Literature) Department of Slavic studies
University of Copenhagen

Njalsgade 80
2300 Copenhagen S
8.6 (13 Scheme); 7.3 (7 Scheme)
1979-10-01 1980-05-31 Student Folk music, folklore
Adult pedagogics
Skælskør Folkehøjskole Skælskør
[no marks given]
1976-08-01 1979-06-22 General Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Advanced Level The Gymnasium Natural sciences (physics, mathematics). 3rd foreign language: Russian. Extra classes in: Astronomy, black holes Nørre Gymnasium
Mørkhøjvej 78
2700 Brønshøj
10.3 (13 Scheme); 10.7 (7 Scheme)
1967-08-01 1976-06-23 Primary school Computer science, 1975-1976 (de facto BASIC programming) Enghavegård Skole
13 (13 Scheme); 12.0 (7 Scheme)
Additional training, courses and exams
Course Specialisation Place of study Grade Mark (when given)
2021-02-01 2021-02-03 Hostile Environment Assessment Training (HEAT) Hostile Environment Assessment Training (HEAT) Gilleleje, Denmark Successfully completed
2017-02-22 2017-02-24 Hostile Environment Assessment Training (HEAT) Refresher course Hostile Environment Assessment Training (HEAT) Refresher course Danish Emergency Management Agency, Staff College, Snekkersten, Denmark Successfully completed
2017-02-22 2017-02-22 Conduct after Capture (CAC) Conduct after Capture (CAC) Danish Emergency Management Agency, Staff College, Snekkersten, Denmark  
2014-11-10 2014-11-14 Training for Long-Term Observers in EU Election Observation Missions Training for Long-Term Observers in EU Election Observation Missions Election Observation and Democratic Support project (EODS), NIRAS A/S, and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Successfully participated
2014-05-12 2014-05-15 Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) HEAT Danish Emergency Management Agency, Staff College, Snekkersten, Denmark no mark
2014-05-11 2014-05-11 First Aid Course First Aid Course Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Headquarters, Denmark
no mark
2013-08-27 2013-09-10 Hostile Environment Security Training eHEST Advanced Level Home — internet / EEAS European Council, Luxemburg 83%
2013-05-27 2013-05-28 OSCE/ODIHR e-learning course for Short-Term Observers home - internet / OSCE/ODIHR
no mark
2008-02-05 2008-02-08 Pakistan Parliamentary Elections 2008: Pre-Mission Training for Short-Term Observers of the EU EOM Training for Short-Term Observers of the EU EOM to Pakistan for the elections in February 2008. The training included election system, general political and cultural landscape, as well as Hostile Environment Assessment Training (HEAT), Conduct After Capture (CAC) (executed by Italian Carabinieri), First Aid. European Union External Action Service [EEAS], with Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento, Masters And Training Programmes Division


no mark
2008-01-30 2008-02-01 Security in the Field Advanced Security in the Field United Nations Department of Safety and Security, organised by International Organization for Migration test passed on-line
2008-01-28 2008-01-30

Security in the Field

Basic Security in the Field — Staff Safety, Health, and Welfare United Nations Department of Safety and Security, organised by International Organization for Migration test passed on-line
2006-10-26 2006-10-30 Internationalt Humanitært Beredskab IHB thematic course: Personal security Danida's Centre for Competence Development Beredskabsstyrelsens Højskole
2006-02-02 2006-02-05 Internationalt Humanitært Beredskab IHB thematic course: International Humanitarian Law Danida's Centre for Competence Development Beredskabsstyrelsens Højskole
2003-08-08 2003-12-18 Open university Web journalism Danish School of Journalism
7 (13 Scheme); 3.9 (7 Scheme)
2003-01-21 2003-06-12 Open university Journalism — on the way to an information job Danish School of Journalism
7 (13 Scheme); 3.9 (7 Scheme)
2000-05-26 2000-05-28 Internationalt Humanitært Beredskab IHB thematic course: Democratisation Danida's Centre for Competence Development, Hornbækhus
2000-04-28 2000-04-30 Internationalt Humanitært Beredskab Basic course Danida's Centre for Competence Development
1998-07-05 1998-07-26 Summer School of Rumanian Language and Literature Language course
(intermediate level)
Ion Cuza University
1996-08-01 1996-09-01 Summer School of Albanian Language and Literature Language course. University of Tirana
i shkelzyeshëm
1995-06-06 1995-06-06 Serbo-Croatian interpretation for military interpreters
General (i.e., non-military) language test Institut for Sprog
Svanemøllens Kaserne
Ryvangs Alle 1
Postboks 2521
2100 Copenhagen
1994-08-01 1994-08-25 Summer School of Bulgarian Language course (my level: top level, linguistics) Bankya
(organised by University of Sofia
awarded as best student of the course (appr. 80 participants)
1992-06-25 1992-07-18 Seminar of Slovenian Language, Literature and Culture Language course (intermediate level) Philosophic Faculty
Ljubljana University
1991-09-01 1994-01-31 Portuguese
General linguistics
Basic course of Portuguese (admissive)
Specialised area
Portuguese literature;
Linguistic typology
University of Copenhagen
average: 10.x (13 Scheme); 10.2-11.2 (7 Scheme)
1990-07-05 1990-08-04 XIX Summer Seminar of Croatian Culture and Language Croatian (top level, linguistics)
Zagreb Linguist School
Dubrovnik and Zagreb
1989-07-16 1989-08-06 XVII Summer Seminar of Croatian Culture and Language Croatian (intermediate level)
Zagreb Linguist School
Dubrovnik and Zagreb
1988-08-05 1988-08-25 Summer Seminar of Macedonian Language and Culture Macedonian (top level, linguistics) Ohrid and Skopje
R Macedonia
1986-10-16 1987-06-22 Studies of the Macedonian language History of the Macedonian language (Level 3 [oral] and 4 [oral, written])
Comparative Slavonic grammar
Department of Slavistics
Ss. Cyril & Methodius University
R Macedonia
10.0 (out of 10, where 10 is best)
1985-02-01 1985-06-15 various courses - no certificate taken European ethnography, Turkish, Italian, Sanskrit Faculty of the Humanities
University of Copenhagen
1984-07-05 1984-07-29 Latin Level 1 (lille latinprøve),
8 (13 Scheme); 6.0 (7 Scheme)
1983-08-01 1983-08-31 Summer Seminar of Bulgarian Language, Literature and Culture Language & culture course (folk-lore, contemporary linguistics) St. Climent Ohridsky University
1982-08-01 1982-08-31 Summer Seminar of Bulgarian Language and Literature for Foreign Bulgarists and Slavists Bulgarian (intermediate level) Kiril i Metodij University
Veliko Trnovo
1981-08-01 1981-08-31 Summer Seminar of Bulgarian Language and Literature for Foreign Bulgarists and Slavists Bulgarian (intermediate level) Kiril i Metodij University
Veliko Trnovo
1980-spring 1980-May Driver's license Class B - vehicles below 3.5 metric tonnes Skælskør
1974-autumn 1975-June Electronic data processing
(evening classes)
BASIC programming Gladsaxe Youth School
Stays abroad above 3 uninterrupted months
Locations General purpose My tasks
1993-06-06 1993-10-10
Nelemnoye, Yakutsk, Korkodon River, Mala Kuropatocha River, Zyryanka, Zelionyi Mys, Moscow, St Petersburg,
Expedition Yakutia 1993 Sociolinguistic research
1990-02-01 1990-04-30
Slavisches Seminar, Universität Hamburg (now Institut für Slavistik, Universität Hamburg),
Research scholarship Researching under Prof. Peter Hill
Study of Lithuanian
1986-10-16 1987-06-22
Department of Slavistics
Ss. Cyril & Methodius University
R Macedonia
Studies of Macedonian Student of Macedonian (visited classes of 2nd, 3rd & 4th year)
1983-08-01 1984-05-31
St. Climent Ohridsky University
Studies of Bulgarian Studies of Bulgarian folk-lore, language history, grammar, dialectology, literature; Bulgarian for foreigners; Turkish, Polish, English
1982-09-01 1983-04-30
Alexander Pushkin Institute of Russian language & literature
Studies of Russian Russian for foreigners: Crash course, grammar, geography, literature, phonetics, general language classes

On-line fora

Communities and memberships
Post Community Field




unpatrolled editor and content contributor


on-line encyclopedia. Entries created about botany, languages, history, geographic entities in Europe and Asia
home /
Politiken Copenhagen
Debatten (former Netværket, former Politiken On Line; WebX and First Class based conferences associated with the daily newspaper Politiken). Position and membership ceased when it was merged with the newspaper into a non-moderated forum ( Debatten i Politiken)

Various affiliations

Organisations and memberships
Post Organisation
2021-09-14 auditor The Danish Association for Peace and Stabilisation Response (official name: FSB-foreningen), 4000 Copenhagen, Denmark
2021-06-05 auditor Silkeborg Karateklub, Silkeborg, Denmark
2018-05-23 2022-05-19 member of board Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI) (official name: Translatørforeningen), DK-1127 København K, Denmark
2017-04-18 2019-04-17 deputy member of board Silkeborg Karateklub, Silkeborg, Denmark
2018-02-01 - member Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI) (official name: Translatørforeningen), DK-1127 København K, Denmark
2016-02-27 2021-09-14 deputy auditor The Danish Association for Peace and Stabilisation Response (official name: FSB-foreningen), 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
2015-09-30 2016-03-09 parent representative Th. Langs Skole
8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
2014-02-01 2015-08-10 board member 1. Silkeborg Group
The Danish Guide and Scout Association,
8600 Silkeborg
2011-09-30 2018-01-01 external examiner Association of external examiners in business communication and language
c/o Aarhus Universitet - Business and Social Sciences
Fuglesangs alle 4, S 442
8210 Aarhus V
2006-03-29 2010-07-31 deputy chairman School board
2006-08-31 parent representative Class board
0th form
Committee of parents
The kindergarten Akacien
2003-10- 2006-09-14 chairman
1998-11-05 2006-12-31 lay member MacBruger
2006-12-31 member Kulturforeningen Danmark-Bulgarien
2003-02-26 2006-04-19 deputy-member of board
2003-10-01 2009-02-28 web master
2004-02-26 vice-accountant
1997-08-31 member National Association of Danish Slavists
1998-01-31 2004-08-31 treasurer
1993-10 1998-05-01 member Tolkeforeningen 1993 [Interpreters' Association of 1993]
1994-05-25 1996-05-01 secretary
1978-09-18 1979-01-31 chairman Copenhagen Folk Music House
1979-02-01 1979-09-31 Committee member
1979-10-01 1982-09-01 member
1993-11-15 1996-05-15 accountant
1996-05-16 2005-01-01 lay member

Command of languages


The below table of language command was made through self-assessment. The system used is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), by the Council of Europe, or a dot system as explained below. The command of a language numbered 8 and higher on this list can be upgraded once I get exposed to it, as when being in a country where it is a national language.

C1, C2 = Proficient; B1, B2 = Independent User; A1, A2 = Basic User
Dot system
••••• = Native ; •••• = Fluent ; ••• = Good ; •• = Working knowledge ; • = Basic knowledge (can get along with a dictionary)
    Understanding Speaking Writ­ing In­ter­pret­ing
No Language Lis­tening Read­ing Spoken Inter­ac­tion Spoken Pro­duc­tion
1 Danish C2 (native) C2 (native) C2 (native) C2 (native) C2 (native) •••••
2 English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 ••••
3 Russian C1 C1 C1 C2 C1 ••••
4 German C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 •••
5 Bulgarian C1 C1 C1 C2 C1 ••••
6 Macedonian C1 C1 C1 C2 C1 ••••
7 Serbo-Croatian C1 C1 C1 C1 B2 •••
8 Portuguese C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 not tried
9 Ukrainian A1 B2 A1 A1 A1 not tried
10 French B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 not tried
11 Albanian A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 not tried
12 Rumanian A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 not tried
13 Swedish C1 C1 B2 B1 A2 not tried
14 Norwegian B2 C2 A2 A2 A1 not tried
15 Modern Greek A1 A1 A1 A1 null not tried
16 Italian A2 B1 A1 A2 A1
17 Castilian (Spanish) A2 B1 A1 A1 A1 not tried
18 Turkish A1 A1 null null null not tried
19 Polish A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 not tried
20 Netherlandic A1 A2 null null A1 not tried
21 Faeroese A1 A2 null null null not tried
22 Yakut A1 A1 null null null not tried
23 Mongolian (Khalkha dialect) A1 A1 null null null not tried
24 Finnish A1 A1 null null null not tried
25 Latin A1 A1 A1 null A1 not tried
26 Lithuanian A1 A1 null null null not tried
27 Kazakh A1 A1 null null null not tried

Information technology

Selected software

Version numbers are divided by semicolons
Type/Title/ Version Mac Windows
Operating systems
MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) 6.22 (x) x
Apple Macintosh Operating System 6.x ; 7.0 ; 7.1 ; 7.5.3 ; 7.6.1 ; 8.0 ; 8.1 ; 8.5.x ; 8.6 ; 9.0.4 ; 9.1 ; 9.2.x ; X.1.; X.2. (Jaguar); X.3. (Panther); X.4. (Tiger) ; X.5. (Leopard) ; X.6. (Snow Leopard) ; X.7. (Lion) ; X.8. (Mountain Lion) ; X.9 (Maverick); X.10 (Yosemite); X.11.6 (El Capitan); macOS X.13 (Sierra) and all later ersions x
Symbian OS™ on SE T610, SE K700i, SE K750i, SE K800i ; SE K850, SE W995 (x)

iOS 3.*; 4.*; 5.*; 6.*; 7.*; 8.*; 9.*; 10.*; 11.*; 12 and all later versions    
Google Android (since 2013) (x)  
Linux Yellow Dog Linux; Ubuntu 12+ x  
Microsoft Windows 3.11 ; 95 ; 95 Second Edition ; 98 ; 98 Second Edition ; 2000 / NT 5.0 Professional ; XP ; Vista Home Edition ; Windows 7; Windows 10; (x) x
Text processing
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 x
BBEdit Lite 6.1 x
Libre Office 3.6+ x x
Microsoft Word 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5.x ; 6 ; 7; 98 ; 2000 ; X ; 2004 ; 2010 ; 2011; Office 365 x x
NeoOffice / Open Office / Libre Office 2.x ; 3.x ; 4.x x x
Nisus Writer 9 x
TexEdit Plus 2.x x
Data bases
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 x
EndNote Plus 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; X5 ; X7 x
FileMaker 1 ; 3 ; 7 ; 11 Pro; 17; 19 x
MySQL 3+ x  
Microsoft Access 2000 x
NeoOffice / Open Office / Libre Office 2.x ; 3.x ; 4.x x x
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 x
Microsoft Excel 98 ; 2000 ; X ; 2004 ; 2011; Office 365 x x
NeoOffice / Open Office 2.x ; 3.x ; 4.x x x
Presentation & Desktop Publishing
Adobe Acrobat 4 x
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 x
Keynote 2+ x
Libre Office 3.6+ x x
Microsoft PowerPoint 98 ; 2000 ; X ; 2004; 2011; Office 365 x x
NeoOffice / Open Office 2+ x x
Image processing
Adobe ImageReady 2.0 x
Adobe Photoshop 3 ; 5.5 ; 7 ; CS3 x x
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 x
Graphic Converter 3.6.1 ; 4.2 ; 5.8+ x
GIMP 1 ; 2 x x
Macromedia Fireworks 4 ; MX Studio x x
PhotoSuite 1.5 x
Painting and drawing
Adobe Illustrator 9 ; CS3 x
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 x
GIMP 1 ; 2.x; x x
Icon Slate 4+ x  
Inkscape 0.46; 0.48; 1.0.2 x x
Microsoft Word 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5.x ; 6 ; 7; 98 ; 2000 ; X ; 2004; 2011; Office 365 x x
NeoOffice / Open Office / LibreOffice 2.x ; 3.x ; 4.x x x
HTML and XML editing
Adobe GoLive 6 x
Amaya 8.4-9.x x x
AppleWorks 5 x
BBEdit 6.1 x
Apple iWeb 2.x x
Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver 3 ; MX Studio ; MX 2004 ; CS3 ; CS5 x x
Microsoft FrontPage 4 ; 5 x x
Microsoft Word 5 ; 6; 97; 98 ; 2000 ; X; 2011; Office 365 x x
Mozilla 0.9 ; 1.2.1 ; 1.5 ; 1.6 ; 1.7 x x
Nvu; Kompozer 0.9 Beta ; 1.0 x x
NeoOffice / Open Office 2.x ; 3.x ; 4.x x x
Netscape 4.x ; 7.x x x
SeaMonkey 1.x ; 2.x; x x
TextWrangler 2.1.x x
Tidy! 1999-07-01 ; Balthisar 2003-03-03 x
Translation tools
iLocalize 4.1 x
First Class 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5; 7 x x
Lotus Quickplace
x x
Personal Web Finder
Vicomsoft 7.x x
x x
Cyberduck 2.x x
Interarchy / Anarchie 4 ; 6.2 ; 6.3 ; 7.0 x
Kompozer 0.x x x
Mac OS X Finder X.4 (Tiger) ; X.5 (Leopard) ; X.10 (Yosemite); X.11.6 (El Capitan); X.11 (Sierra) x
Macromedia/Adobe Dreamweaver MX Studio ; MX 2004 ; CS3 ; CS5; 21.4 x x
Mozilla 1.7 x x
Nvu 1.0 x x
Windows Explorer 5 ; 6 (in Windows 2000 / NT 5.0 Professional) x
Apple Works / Claris Works 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 x
FileMaker Pro 3 ; 7; 11; 19 x x
Microsoft Excel 98 ; X ; 2011; Office 365 x
Open Office 4.x    

Platform independent technologies

Level of command
***** = I ought to write a book about it ; **** = I can teach it, too: I use it & I read books about it ; *** = I use it with ease without going into depth with the technology about it ; ** = Still struggling with it.
Abbreviation Full name Versions Level
HTML HyperText Markup Language 3.0-4.01 Transitional; 5.0 *****
XHTML Extensible HyperText Markup Language 1.0 Frames; 1.0 Transitional; 1.0 Strict; 1.1 Modular ; Basic ; 2.0 ; 5.0 *****
CSS Cascading Style Sheets 1.0 ; 2.0 ; 2.1 ; 3.0 ****
JavaScript JavaScript 1.4-1.5 ****
FTP Free Transfer Protocol
PhP HyperText Preprocessor 4 ; 5 ***
MySQL My Structured Query Language 5+  
XML Extensible Markup Language 1.0-1.1 ***
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language 1.0 ***
SSI Server Side Includes 1.0 ***
.htaccess HyperText Access File

Radio broadcasted mass media appearances

Day and time Text Program Outlet
2013-01-14 14:03-15:00 Oplysningstidens filosoffer og regeringens udspil til en folkeskolereform Eksistens på P1 [Existence on Channel 1] Danmarks Radio [Radio Denmark]

Appearances in printed mass media

Day and time Text Author Outlet
2015-05-14 В Уральск прибыли международные наблюдатели ОБСЕ за выборами Uralsk Week Uralsk Week, Uralsk, West Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, p. 1