Erik's research notes on vampires

Below are various documents used in my research, including the papers meant for publishing.

Notes to the Maleshevski dialect (posted on 2004-11-12). billede af flagermus

Vampir i tabu. Ka etimologiji letaćih bića

Referat na 13 Mednarodnom slavistinom kongresu v Ljubljani 15.-21. avgust 2003.

Naslov Vrsta Jezik Format
Abstract Rezime Vukovica .html
Vampir i tabu. Ka etimologiji letaćih bića Referat Vukovica .html
vampyr_data_DNL_og_senere.doc Data Razni .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
vampyr_data_post_torun_2002.doc Data Razni .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
Dan Turll: "Alverdens vampyrer", 1993, uddrag Data Danski .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
Pi: "Fabeldyr og sagnfolk" Data Danski .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
Vampyr og tabu - ideje od sep. 2001 Ideje Danski, ruski, srpskohrvatski .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
Bibliografija Data Danski, ruski, etc. .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
Vampires in the Balkan context. Etymological notes Stari lanak
Engleski .mswd Word 5.1 for Mac
John Dingley: The Name for "Bat" in the Languages of Europe (spisak naziva za netopyra vjerojatno kao prilog lanku Slavic "netopyr'" in a Broader Context (spisac dodaje: Dieser Artikel erscheint in der Gedenkschrift fr Henrik Birnbaum - Herausgeber: Dean S. Worth) lanak treeg lica Engleski .rtf (Windows)
Jan Perkowski, primeri od The Darkling Data Engleski .html